Terms & Conditions
I give permission for my child to attend and participate in all activities within the S4S academy program selected.
By enrolling with S4S Academy for the term you have agreed to join our academy program and for us to store your payment details if you have selected to do so. Payment of this program will mean your child is automatically signed up for the full length of the plan selected. If you decide you do not wish to continue with your class you must contact S4S Academy via phone - 0413 947 455 or via email at - admin@s4sacademy.com.au
Invoices may incur late fees if not paid within 7 days of being received and will incur further fees every 7 days following. If the balance remains outstanding we may take legal action in recovering the amount owed.
All care and caution is taken at all times but as of mishap, S4S Academy cannot accept liability for any injury that may occur whilst participating in one of our coaching/education programs.
Parents/Guardians and children participate at their own risk and shall indemnify S4S Academy and its staff against all actions, suits, proceedings, demands, costs and expenses which may be taken or made against S4S Academy which may arise from injury, illness or mishap.
S4S Academy cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage to any personal belongings while attending one of our coaching/education programs.
Any medical conditions that a participant may have must be fully disclosed to S4S Academy in the registration details you have completed when enrolling online.
S4S Academy operates a no-refund policy for a change or mind or missed classes, unless under extreme medical conditions. If for any reason you are not able to attend a session then a make-up class can be made, if there are positions available in another class (we cannot guarantee a class due to availability). Arrangements must be made with S4S Academy prior to attending another class.
S4S Academy management may occasionally take photos or video footage for promotional purposes, including marketing collateral and social media posts. Please advise management if you would not like your child’s image used in promotional purposes.
Code of Conduct
By taking part in the S4S Academy program you acknowledge and agree to this code of conduct, comprising the following rules and conditions, which provide for a safe, professional, fun learning environment which is designed to allow your child to benefit from participation and to provide them with the greatest opportunity to reach their full player potential.
We adhere to the Child Safe Standards through its policy, code of conduct, procedures and reporting of incidences and Health and Safety standards.
Your child must wear suitable clothing and footwear. Children participating in the program must wear the assigned S4S Academy (not required on trial sessions) and no jewellery.
All parents/guardians and children must stop any activity and listen carefully when the instructor is giving instructions. All parents/guardians will respect and co-operate with all instructor’s decisions. S4S Academy staff reserves the right to ask you to leave the premises should you fail to comply with any instruction given by our staff.
All participants will respect and not wilfully or neglectfully damage the equipment used by S4S Academy. For safety reasons, parents/guardians and children must keep away from any equipment that is not being used for the particular activity in progress.
Video and photographs may be taken by families registered in our programs and are for personal use only. Please be mindful of uploading photos of child which includes other people’s children to social media. S4S Academy may use this video footage or photographs for advertising on their web page and for other business activities at any time.
No food or drinks are to be taken onto the learning surface. Parents/guardians are to have fluids (preferably water) readily available to give to their children should they require it.
S4S Academy is free to use and repurpose any testimonial made by its participants, parents or guardians.
S4S Academy reserves the right to refuse admission to any person for any session for any reason. If requested by S4S Academy staff for whatever reason, parents/guardians and any children in their care must leave the session immediately. Additionally, S4S Academy reserves the right to cancel/deny a registration to any person for any reason.
All parents/guardians and children will respect others in the class regardless of gender, culture, religion or ability. Parents/guardians and children in their care are enrolled at their own risk and you as the parent/guardian agree to indemnify S4S Academy and its staff from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, injury and/or damages which may arise from you or your child’s participation in any S4S Academy sessions.
You give permission for your child to receive medical/ambulance attention in case of emergency and agree to pay any associated costs.
Your child’s place is not secured until fees are paid in full.
S4S Academy reserves the right to cancel a session if it is deemed unsafe to continue and at any time.
Always assume S4S Academy clinics and programs are always on no matter the weather with the exception of the following: Temperatures exceeding 35 degrees, thunder and lighting, heavy rain that leaves too much surface water to train.
Covid-19 Saftey Plan
The COVID pandemic has forced us to revisit the way we plan for programs and sessions to ensure the safety of our players, coaches and community. Please note the following is a general outline as this is subject to local state and territory government guidelines and restrictions:
If your child is not feeling well, they must stay home
All sessions will have hand sanitizer on site
Coaches will ensure all equipment has been wiped down with antibacterial wipes before and after session
Parents are asked to drop off their child and wait in the car for their child until their session is over
Training includes a combination of contact and non-contact training
If parents are watching, we kindly ask parents to practise social distancing
In completing your registration details and enrolling in one of our programs, you acknowledge these terms and conditions and Code of Conduct.